Name any body part, and our society will have an unrealistic beauty standard ready for you to match. When a tropical country provides a skin-lightening cream (a turnout of 24 billion rupees annually), it can be clearly seen how the Indian beauty standards are unrealistic beyond bounds.

Women with thick, long, straight hair or black curls are considered attractive. However, we must warn you that if your hair is too curly, it looks undesirable, and if it is too long, you look like a Bhenji.

Straight hair is considered sophisticated and admired. Anything else will only be an open invitation to countless home remedies and remarks.

Having almond-shaped eyes is considered to be highly attractive. Also, the lighter the shade of your tropical eyes, the more angelic they are likely to be perceived. However, you will be called a cat or witch if it's too green or blue.

Not only that, if your eyes are too small, you will be teased with offensive, racist names; if they are too big, you might be considered dumb or naive. 

Having thick eyebrows is deemed to be pleasing to the eyes. However, not too hairy because then you will look scary. And definitely NO to UNIBROW! If you have it, you will get remarks to eliminate the bridge between your brows.

Having a sharp, thin nose is the dream. Not a sensible person’s dream but a dream of many Indians, regardless. The sharper, the better. But again, too pointy, and you are out of the race.

Soft, plump, and rosy lips are a delight. The obsessions make people try the weirdest methods to make it bigger and plumper.

It is only a crime to not speak about how Indians have a big obsession with fair skin. The extent Indian moms go to de-tan their daughters by applying anything and everything that just might work shows you how our society perceives darker skin tones. The above reasons imply why the skin-lightening industry still thrives in our country.

Until the last 5 years, all the actresses you would see on the big screen were just the right shade of fair. Even now, very few actresses with darker skin complexions are cast in major and lead roles. Speaking about movies, we have also seen skin complexions determining economic status, job opportunities, or even relationships!

Body hair is a big NO in Indian society! Your arms, legs, eyebrows, face, armpits, back, and private parts should be waxed, or else it looks unruly. 

There is a reason there is a variety of shaving or waxing products available in the market; the hate towards our natural body hair is too high to ignore.

Having an hourglass figure is the goal. But being thin and slender is also the goal. Height should be tall but not too tall because then how will we ever find our meant-to-be partner. 

These body standards not only cross the line but sprint as far away from the line as possible. Not only do they result in lower self-confidence and armor anyone and everyone with the right to pass comments, but they also give rise to many skin and hair products and treatments that might have harmful chemicals resulting in dangerous side effects.

The above wise words were published on Qurez and have been republished here with addition of personal opinion and minor edits.

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